Many new small businesses begin by operating out of the garage or basement of the entrepreneur whose vision actually started the business. That may work for the formative months or even the first year of that business, but there comes a time when they need actual office space. At that point the business owner must choose between traditional raw office space or finding an established business centre in a prestigious location.
While traditional raw office space in a wide range of office buildings can be found at a good price, it may not come with the prestigious address or location that a starting business needs – so they can announce they have “arrived” on the business scene!
A traditional raw office space can sometimes require funding that a start-up business does not have or does not want to invest in. Having to invest in capital costs for office furniture, telephone systems, photocopiers and other office equipment takes away from funds needed for advertising, marketing and sales activities. A small business cannot afford to spend time and money on infrastructure – they need the freedom to concentrate on doing what they do best, usually sales and growth.
An office business centre that provides furnished office space and access to a modern telephone system and state-of-the-art photocopiers and network printers, relieves small business owners of having to locate and procure such items. A small business can just move in and start business without these hassles – the office business centre takes care of the office and you can concentrate on your primary business functions.
And if you need some secretarial help, why hire someone when you can contract that out to the office business centre you have chosen? There are various secretarial and administrative duties that you can have the staff of your office business centre conduct for you on an hourly basis that do not require you to hire and pay the expenses of an employee.
Besides secretarial and administrative services, the staff of your office business centre may also be able to direct you to other services they offer, including the services of other office tenants. At Telsec Business Centres, we work with office-space and virtual-office clients that provide various business services to other businesses – so we are able to match your specific needs needs with their specific services.
When you need accounting help, bookkeeping services, legal advice, business photography, web design, writing or most other small business supports, the staff of your office business centre can often refer you to a company that is just down the hall from your office or perhaps on the next floor of your office space. You simply need to ask for help or referrals.