While workplace safety and security is an issue that every entrepreneur and small business owner has to think about, they are often more important to a female entrepreneur who works alone. As a general rule, it is not safe to work in an isolated office location, even for men. But for women entrepreneurs who have limited funding, these types of office environments may be the only alternative that fits their limited start-up budget. Working in isolation can put anyone at risk for security problems. Putting aside security risks, working in a stand-alone office with no contact with other people can also be a major safety factor when it comes to possible accidents that may occur. Nobody ever expects a home accident to happen, but a slip down the stairs or a kitchen grease fire can occur in the blink of an eye.
Entrepreneurs who work from home often become complacent with regard to home safety making themselves “softer targets.” Women who work alone need to learn best safety and security practices when working from home. The real security problem begins when your small business address is your home address, because criminals and disgruntled customers know where you live. Nearly one-fifth of all incidents of violent victimization in Canada’s ten provinces, including physical assault, sexual assault and robbery, occurred in the victim’s workplace. This does not include those victims who call their home their workplace – so the numbers are sure to be higher if they did.
An interesting article in itBusiness.ca talks about how one woman entrepreneur turned her personal security concerns into a business. Deena Douara turned fear into the catalyst for her invention. She developed a concept for a mobile phone app that could alert authorities if a potential emergency situation were to arise. While Douara is not the only entrepreneur to think of turning smartphones into a personal safety alarm, her app “WalkSafe” is location-aware and can even monitor for movement! The best part is that this app was developed by a woman entrepreneur with other women entrepreneurs in mind.
In the interest of safety and security, many women entrepreneurs will look at having office space at an office business centre that adds various types of security for her. Because business centres offer a centralized reception area, nobody has direct access to an individual office suite without checking in first with reception. Even if an intruder or unwelcomed visitor circumvents the receptionist, security cameras in the halls and staff usually notice unfamiliar people in the facility. Business centre staff will often stop unknown visitors and make sure they are supposed to be where they are.
Here are just a few ways you can help to keep your office safe and secure.
When you are on the road and visiting other businesses…..
1. Jennifer Smith
General Manager
The Omni King Edward Hotel
37 King Street East
Toronto, ON
M5C 1E9
Tel: 416-863-9700
Website: www.omnihotels.com/hotels/toronto-king-edward
2. Mark Perry
General Manager
Executive Hotels and Resorts (Boutique)
8 Colborne Street
Toronto, ON
M5E 1E1
Tel: 416-350-2419
Website: www.spazen.ca or www.cosmotoronto.com
3. Emeline Boul
General Manager
Hotel Victoria (Boutique)
56 Yonge Street
Toronto, ON
M5E 1G5
Tel: 416-363-1666
Mobile: 647-574-5832
Website: www.hotelvictoriatoronto.com
4. Omkar Sawant
Reservations Manager
One King West Hotel
1 King Street West
Toronto, ON
M5H 1A1
Main: 416-548-8100
Reservations: 1-866-470-5464
Website: www.onekingwest.com
5. Van Nguyen
General Manager
Cambridge Suites Toronto
15 Richmond Street East
Toronto, ON
M5C 1N2
Direct: 416-601-3757
Hotel: 416-368-1990
Website: www.cambridgesuitestoronto.com
1. Michael Pagliaro
Carisma (Italian)
15 Toronto Street
Toronto, ON
M5C 2E3
Tel: 416-864-7373
Website: www.carismarestaurant.com
2. Patti Shaw
Terroni (Italian)
57 Adelaide Street East
Toronto, ON
M5C 1K6
Tel: 416-203-3093
Website: www.terroni.com
3. Declan
Restaurant 20 Victoria – Michelin guide approved
20 Victoria Street
Toronto, ON
M5C 2A1
Tel: 416-804-6066
Instagram for reservations: https://www.instagram.com/twentyvictoria/
4. Mana
Nami (Japanese)
55 Adelaide Street East
Toronto, ON
M5C 1K6
Tel: 416-362-7373
Website: www.namirestaurant.ca
5. Restaurant Lucie
100 Yonge Street
Toronto, ON
M5C 2W1
Tel: 416-788-9054
Website: www.restaurantlucie.com
6. Niam H
Cantina Mercatto
20 Wellington Street East
Toronto, ON
M5E 1C5
Tel: 416-304-0781
Website: www.cantinamercatto.ca
7. Siva Sathasivam
Uncle Tony’s
38 Wellington St E
Toronto, ON
M5E 1C7
Tel: 416-455-6650
Website: https://uncletonys.ca/
8. Pizzaiolo
104 Yonge Street
Toronto, ON
M5C 2Y6
Tel: 416-860-0700
Website: www.pizzaiolo.ca
9. Robin Singh
Woods Restaurant and Bar
45 Colborne Street
Toronto, ON
M5E 1E3
Tel: 416-214-9918
Website: www.woodsrestaurant.ca
1. Thom Tullo
Morpheus8 by Inmode
47 Colborne Street
Toronto, ON
M5E 1E3
Tel: 416-863-6564
Website: www.amanspa.ca
2. Altitude Athletic Training
56 Colborne Street
Toronto, ON
M5E 1E3
Tel: 416-366-3838
Website: www.altitudeathletictraining.com
3. Physioheath Studios
33 Victoria Street, #130
Toronto, ON
M5C 2A1
Tel: 416-368-2525
Website: www.physiohealth.com
We are by far the most experienced and best coworking team in the market – established in 1980
18 King Street East, Suite 1400
Toronto, Ontario M5C 1C4 Canada
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You are welcome to drop-in any-time, a quick call would be appreciated to ensure our availability Vanessa 416-574-1112 or Josie 416-606-4349 or e-mail josie@telsec.net.