Incorporating Your Small Business
There are many pros and cons of incorporating a small business, depending a lot on individual situations. For some small businesses, the question may not be if, but when they should incorporate
How to find and rent downtown Toronto office space within your budget
Finding and renting a downtown Toronto office space that is within your budget is not as difficult as you think. Just follow some simple steps. Step 1: Estimate your budget This step may sound like a no-brainer, but some people skip this step and end up with office space that they eventually find out that it is beyond their budget. By establishing your budget, you will save yourself a great deal of time during your search. Part of establishing your budget is deciding if you are looking for raw office space that will require you to purchase office furniture and equipment, or if you want to rent a serviced office space that comes with office furniture. Step 2: Figure out how much space you need Do you need a small 500-square-foot office or do you need 5,000 square feet of space? Calculating how much office space your business needs is […]
Stop worrying about millennials and get ready for Gen Z
Millennials (aka Generation Y) are those born between 1982 and 1993 are proving to be a very entrepreneurial generation. But the next generation may be even more ambitious than them! Enter Gen Z (those born between 1994 and 2010) or what is called “The internet generation” – who are by far the most tech-savvy, connected and self-educated group. Unlike Millennials who love the gig economy, research is showing Gen Z want steady paycheques. What also makes Gen Z different? They claim to be both more accepting and more rebellious. Rebellion was pretty much absent for Millennials in their youth, as they seemed to have had a very shiny outlook on things. Gen Z is upset about the system that they’re inheriting – so it seems rebellion is back. The first members of Gen Z will be graduating from university in just a few years, and market researchers and trend forecasters […]
Buying vs leasing vs renting office space – different perspectives!
When a growing small business reaches that point where operating from a home office is no longer an option, the owner is faced with the choice of buying, leasing or renting office space. There are plenty of other articles on the Internet to help you through the legal and financial options of leasing over buying, but most do not address the potential of renting office space without a lease at an office business centre. For the purposes of this blog, we will define the three options more practically. Buying office space: This would be space within an office condo complex or a business complex, but it could also be a stand-alone building that is not in a business area. Leasing office space: This refers to traditional raw office space that is in an office building or tower, meaning that the space is yours to set up as you like. Renting office […]
The Hidden Costs of Owning Your Office Space
Many small business owners have often considered buying a commercial space instead of handing over rent to a landlord. The problem is that the idea may sound wonderful, but what about the hidden costs of owning your office space? Yes, there are some positives to owning your office space, such as giving your small business stability and adding a sense of certainty. As the owner, you know that you will not encounter an unpredictable rent hike or be forced out at the end of a lease. With the proper planning, you will know in advance how much your monthly costs will be, long in advance. As the owner of your office space, you alone decide what type of office culture and set-up your business will have. For example, you get to choose an open concept, cubicles or even where the walls for individual offices should be. This sounds like a […]
Pan Am Games and the effect on Toronto Small Business.
Today’s blog was supposed to be about entrepreneurial trends and list some statistics, but instead we are going to talk about some issues that our office space clients are talking about regarding the Pan Am Games in Toronto. With the Pan Am games in Toronto, many of our office clients have chosen to either work from home or to take public transit to the office. This is mainly due to the added road congestion caused by the temporary HOV (High Occupancy Vehicle) lanes on the Don Valley Parkway and the Gardener Expressway. The intent of these lanes is to allow official Pan Am Games vehicles, buses, taxi cabs and vehicles with more than 3 persons to move along the roadways faster and avoid traffic. One of our office space tenants mentioned this morning that they would try using an Uber car to get to work, but they quickly found out that […]
Working Wireless in the Office? You Need to Know who has Access.
As Wi-Fi technology improved and faster speeds resulted, businesses who did not want the expense of running wires all through their offices started to look more seriously at Wi-Fi. With the help of stronger signals and better equipment, the Wi-Fi alternative started to become more popular. While businesses use repeaters and wireless access points to maximize the strength of connection in their office space, small businesses found that these solutions could also be scaled to their needs. In a smaller office space for rent, you may only need one access point! Today you cannot go down the street and have your device telling you of available WiFi access points. Today, just about every location – from coffee shops and restaurants, librarys, bookstores and many other places – offers Wi-Fi. You can now even get Wi-Fi when traveling by plane, bus or train. Even when no free hotspots are available, most smartphones […]
Consider Using a Commercial Real Estate Agent for Your Office Search
So you are looking to rent or lease office space and you are not sure whether you want to conduct the search yourself or engage a commercial real estate agent. Conducting a search for an office and making the right choice is very important to your business. But engaging the help of a commercial real estate agent’s expertise could be an even more important decision. Here are some key points to help you decide: Commercial real estate agents know the office space market. Not only do commercial real estate agents know the market, but they can help steer you toward office rental properties that fit your needs and budget. By knowing the the trends in office space and knowing the properties and landlords, they can potentially save your company from making a bad choice in office space. Think about how much your time is worth Commercial real estate agents can […]
The Heartbleed Bug and Small Business
It seems the tech talk around the world over the past week has been Heartbleed. This newly discovered security vulnerability puts users’ passwords at many popular websites at risk of being exploited. Even this morning at our office space for lease, small business owners are talking about this latest security problem and are asking questions. Heartbleed is the name for a vulnerability in the OpenSSL (Open Source Secure Sockets Layer) encryption model that is used by many popular websites, such as Google, Facebook, Yahoo and the Canada Revenue Agency, along with many others. When you connect to one of these trusted websites, the extend “handshake” between your computer and the web server that sets up the secure connection changes the http to https in the address bar and adds the little picture of the lock to let you know you have a safe connection. Read more about Heartbleed at […]
Ignore the Trending Business Ideas When Starting up
If you have ever done a Google search for what is "trending in small business ideas" or top work from home businesses", chances are there are thousands of others looking for those same trends
Buying an Existing Small Business
There are basically two ways of buying an existing business – buying an existing business or buying a franchise (new or existing). With a non-franchise business there is less support than with a franchise business, but there are also no franchise fees and/or royalties to be paid. For the purposes of this blog, we will not be looking at manufacturing or inventory-based businesses, but more service-based small businesses. One of the first steps that someone taking over an existing small business should consider is to do a review of its history and the way it operates. This means having a thorough look through its’ financial statements (this is best done by an accountant who knows what to look for). The buyer should also review the operating documents and practices. Some of the items to be reviewed include: Accounts Receivable Reviewing the accounts receivable and accounts history will help to determine […]
Tips for Renting Office Space or an Apartment
When people think about renting office space, the forget that finding a quality office space is similar to finding an apartment rental. But sometimes finding a good office space is a lot easier and comes with a lot less hassles. So here are some tips that can be applied to both office space rentals and apartment rentals. Tip #1: Location, Location, Location Ideally, you want to find an office space location that is both prestigious and convenient. A prestigious office location will tell your customers and potential clients that you mean business and that you have standards. But be careful not to choose a location that will intimidate your clients into believing your prices will be too high in order to afford this address. The location of your office space also needs to be convenient for you and your staff and clients to get to. A good office location will […]
Office Space Solutions for Colds and Flu
It is cold and flu season once again and people around our office space for rent Toronto are scrambling to find the cure all ... but the best cure for colds and flu's is prevention. While getting the flu shot will help, there are plenty of ways to help prevent the spread of the flu.
Keep your Staff in mind when Choosing your Office Space
When choosing your office space did you consider the age and work style of your staff and what environment would make them the most productive to your business?
Office Space Coordinators get Asked a lot of Questions
This week we are addressing some questions that our Toronto office rental coordinators have been asked. While these are not all of our frequently asked questions, these are just some that our staff answer a great deal when potential tenants visit our Toronto office space.
Scrap Multi-Year Leases Just Like Three-Year Wireless Plans
The idea of scrapping long term deals is not a new thing in the office space landscape. For years office business centres have offered office space for lease Toronto on short term contracts.
Serviced Office Space can save you Money
When you hear serviced office providers like Telsec Business Centres talk about saving clients time and money by offering Toronto office space in a business centre environment, the question that almost immediately follows is just how does the business centre actually work and what are the benefits for tenants? The best way to start off is by talking about the savings through shared office services. Using this model, one company does not have to pay for all of the office services on its own. Many of the overhead costs are shared with a number of other businesses at the centre. In traditional Toronto office space for lease arrangements where you rent out raw space in a large office building, your company is responsible for every cost associated with the office space you lease. This means that your purchase of utilities, maintenance, cleaning, garbage removal, telephone system, high-speed internet and other […]
The only Wrong Office Space for Rent Toronto Question, is the Question not asked!
People, by nature are often afraid to ask a question because they think their question is a bad question or a wrong question to ask. But if you listen to any public speaker or expert on any topic (such as office for rent Toronto) they will always say that the only bad question anyone will ask is the question that is not asked.
How to find Legally Free Images and Software
Saying "I found it on the Internet" is not a defense against copyright infringement because works on the Internet are as copyright-able as those found in a book or on any other media.
Illegal use of Software is a Copyright Infringement
another form of copyright that you need to stay on the right side of is to protect your business from software copyright infringement.