In these difficult economic times, a lot of companies do not have the resources to have a private office in downtown Toronto for outside sales reps to do their paperwork and generate leads. This is especially true for companies who do not have their head office downtown or even near the city of Toronto. Many are now using Toronto shared offices instead of a private office for sales representatives who need a space to touch down.
In considering Toronto shared offices instead of a private office, companies know that with a shared office the low cost of a “touch down office space” is more cost-effective. They know that a sales rep is more productive working out of an office space Toronto that is near most of its customers than traveling to and from their home office to do their paperwork and follow sales leads. They also realize that sales people are more productive working in a professional business atmosphere than working at home or at a cafe with internet access.
Having Toronto shared offices instead of a private office is also great for companies who are out of province or out of country. If they have staff in Toronto, having an office space for that staff to go to (even once or twice a week) at a prestigious business address, demonstrates to their clients that they have a physical Toronto office.
Consider this scenario: A medium-sized company sells, installs and maintains specialized software or equipment. They have a sales representative, an installer and a technician, and they all primarily work on the road. Once or twice a week they may need to go into the office to check up on sales leads, pick up installation orders or file maintenance reports with head office. The repair guy would stop into the office on Mondays and Wednesdays to get his orders and paperwork, the sales rep may stop into the shared office on Tuesdays to check on sales leads and Thursdays to send his paperwork and reports. The maintenance guy could be in the office space on Fridays filling out his reports. This can also be achieved by the three sharing one private office, but that may not be as economical as having all three of them use a single desk in Toronto shared offices instead of a private office.
Toronto shared offices instead of a private office does not always mean that you will have other shared office clients working at the next desk to you – not all shared office clients at your Downtown Toronto office space use the shared office environment at the same time. When you are not in your shared office, your desk is your desk and your phone is your phone and only when you are in the office will calls come in or go out from that phone.
Most importantly, when you choose to have shared offices instead of a private office, you still have all the benefits of having a Toronto office space that those with Toronto private offices enjoy. This includes the use of boardrooms and meeting rooms, as well as the kitchens with complimentary coffee, tea and filtered water. You also have access to network printers, fax machines, photocopiers and secretarial services at the same low rates as all other office space Toronto clients.